We are living in the last of the last days. The rapture will happen; it is only a matter of how and when. While there are many views on the rapture and future events; we need to consider all the Bible has to say, not just alleged doctrine built on select sections of Scripture. Most erroneous doctrines or concepts can be found to have taken only a portion (or portions) of the Bible into consideration instead of considering all the Bible has to say on a subject. In so doing, the real intent and essence of what God is telling us, can be dangerously missed. Such is the case in there being so many different rapture views.
The anticipation of the rapture has been going on, practically since the day the Lord ascended into heaven.
It was the consensus of the New Testament writers, at the time of their writings, that it was "the last days" (Hebrews 1:2 and Acts 2:17 for example) and "the coming of the Lord" (James 5:8) was at hand.
Peter foretold of people saying “where is the promise of His coming?”
Jesus described the "harvesting of the saints and the elimination of the wicked" as coming at “the end of the age.”
Later the disciples would ask Him more about it.
There are many more verses on this subject that will unfold, but for now, a premise is being established. Whether the term is "the last days" or "the end" or "end of the age," we are living in a significant time. For now, many of us believe we are living in "the last" of "the last days" and for certain, we are much closer to "the end of the age."
This is also established through the fulfillment of prophecy. This anticipation and fulfilling of end times prophecies are often called "signs of the times" by many.
Listed are some of the different views about the future including the rapture.
Important Terms To Know
Millennial Views
Rapture Views
Other Interesting Views
The truth is that every Christian needs to read their own Bible and see for themselves about everything. Preaching and teaching are great from others but the bottom line is that unless a person has the Word of God in them, then how, when being taught or influenced, will we recognize what is right and what is not? Many times the Lord is just waiting to show us revelation and what we need in His Word, if we would but open our own Bibles and read with an open heart looking for His direction.
In conclusion, many people say, it does not matter when the coming of the Lord is, just be ready. This is somewhat true, but the hard truth is that, if a person thinks that they will escape hard times, tribulation and persecution, and then if that person does not get "raptured up" ahead of the rough times that they thought they would escape, will their faith really still stand? And especially when the Antichrist will be doing lying wonders and the devil will be making it very hard for anyone to be a true Christian.
The anticipation of the rapture has been going on, practically since the day the Lord ascended into heaven.
It was the consensus of the New Testament writers, at the time of their writings, that it was "the last days" (Hebrews 1:2 and Acts 2:17 for example) and "the coming of the Lord" (James 5:8) was at hand.
Peter foretold of people saying “where is the promise of His coming?”
- 2 Peter 3:8-9 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Jesus described the "harvesting of the saints and the elimination of the wicked" as coming at “the end of the age.”
- Matthew 13:47-49 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. So it will be at the end of the age."
Later the disciples would ask Him more about it.
- Matthew 24:3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
There are many more verses on this subject that will unfold, but for now, a premise is being established. Whether the term is "the last days" or "the end" or "end of the age," we are living in a significant time. For now, many of us believe we are living in "the last" of "the last days" and for certain, we are much closer to "the end of the age."
This is also established through the fulfillment of prophecy. This anticipation and fulfilling of end times prophecies are often called "signs of the times" by many.
Listed are some of the different views about the future including the rapture.
Important Terms To Know
- Eschatology - Beliefs concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind; specifically any of various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment.
- Rapture - Usually considered to be the “gathering of the saints” to meet the Lord in the air and returning to heaven together.
- Second Coming of Christ - Usually considered to be when Christ comes to set up His Kingdom.
- Millennium - 1000 years of Christ reigning on earth.
Millennial Views
- Post millennial - The Second Coming of the Lord comes after the Millennium.
- A millennial - No Millennium. Everything concludes at the Second Coming of the Lord as He brings His kingdom with Him and sets up His kingdom forever. This is the official view of the Roman Catholic Church, Greek and Eastern Orthodox Churches and held by many Lutheran's and Reformers.
- Pre-millennial - The Second Coming of the Lord comes before the Millennium, whereupon He rules and reigns for this last one thousand years where upon at its conclusion, the resurrection and judgment of the unsaved occur, then eternity.
Rapture Views
- Pre-tribulation rapture - Jesus comes for His saints at the beginning of a 7 year period of tribulation; as they believe it is 7 years of wrath and God won't allow His children to suffer His wrath (then a Millennium followed by Great White Throne of Judgment).
- Mid tribulation rapture - Jesus comes for His saints in middle of the 7 years period of tribulation; however they believe the first 3 ½ years are severe tribulation, and the 2nd half of the seven years, is God's wrath on the wicked (followed by a millennium and after that the Great White Throne of Judgment).
- Post tribulation rapture - Jesus comes for His saints at the very end of the 7 years tribulation; with the church being on earth for the entire tribulation period. In this case many consider the rapture and the Second Coming to be the same event.
- Partial rapture - Some will be taken with Jesus and some left behind to spread the Gospel.
- Double rapture - Jesus comes for His saints at the beginning of a 7 year tribulation period and those that get saved afterward are raptured up at the end.
- Multiple raptures - Believing that saints will be raptured at multiple times in relation to the 7 year tribulation period and the Millennium.
- Pre-wrath rapture - Believes that the rapture will happen approximately 3/4 of the way into the last seven years of this age and before the seven trumpets and seven bowls of God's wrath happen.
Other Interesting Views
- No rapture - Similar to a-millennial. Life on earth proceeds until the Second Coming of the Lord.
- Rapture happened already - Believed by such people as the Jehovah's Witnesses who believe the rapture happened invisibly in 1918 and only 144,000 people will be allowed into heaven now. So only the ones with the best works will make it and the pressure is on for them (they believe in salvation by works/Jesus is not the Son of God or savior to them).
- Global revival for Christ - New Apostolic Reformationists, Kingdom Now, Latter Rain Movement, Dominionists and others believe that instead of an apostasy/great falling away before the rapture, that they will see the whole earth come to Jesus and then He can come back for His Second Coming and take over. They believe the tribulation, the Antichrist, the rapture and all events involved with the rapture mindset, to be mistaken theology.
- Pan tribulation - The belief that “whatever happens, happens” and it will all “pan out” in the end.
- Preterism - The belief that all eschatological prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled.
The truth is that every Christian needs to read their own Bible and see for themselves about everything. Preaching and teaching are great from others but the bottom line is that unless a person has the Word of God in them, then how, when being taught or influenced, will we recognize what is right and what is not? Many times the Lord is just waiting to show us revelation and what we need in His Word, if we would but open our own Bibles and read with an open heart looking for His direction.
In conclusion, many people say, it does not matter when the coming of the Lord is, just be ready. This is somewhat true, but the hard truth is that, if a person thinks that they will escape hard times, tribulation and persecution, and then if that person does not get "raptured up" ahead of the rough times that they thought they would escape, will their faith really still stand? And especially when the Antichrist will be doing lying wonders and the devil will be making it very hard for anyone to be a true Christian.
How we know there will be a rapture and more.
Understanding "harpázō" - the word from which we get the term "rapture" that we use today.
From this prophecy in Daniel, "the last week of years" are determined, which are commonly known as "the 7 years of tribulation" and this article includes a chart to help in understanding.
Understanding that mid tribulation rapture is pre-God's wrath. Taking a closer look at what "wrath and tribulation" really mean and what really happens during the last 7 years of this age.
A word study, taking a deeper look at original context.
The best biblical mindset for living in the last days, as shown in 1 & 2 Thessalonians.
Understanding mid tribulation rapture.
The Bible tells how long the terms of Two Witnesses & the Antichrist are. And from these verses we can that see they are almost concurrent terms and how it relates to the timing of the rapture.
The Bible verses of mid tribulation rapture listed chronologically and with light commentary.
Timeline of events of the 7 years & following millennium.
Copyright © 2014 E. Cockrell. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.