When we worry, we “pay the price” for something that might not ever happen.
We need to choose to stop worrying and start meditating on God’s Word, building up our faith.
Jesus came into this world to show us who God is, and how He handles things, and also, who He wants us to be, and how we are to handle things.
God has given us His grace to have the strength to not sin, and the blood of Jesus, to cleanse us when we still fail.
Faith cannot grow if the mind is not renewed through the Word of God. The worldly patterns of thinking do not allow the Holy Spirit to change and guide us, and limit our faith in God.
Grace is unmerited favor, meaning that we cannot do anything to earn it!
When we know that God is good and loves us unconditionally, we can totally trust Him and His help, no matter what we are going through.
God does not owe us anything, but we owe Him everything, including our very breath.
Trials can make us bitter, but we can choose to become better by the way we react to them.
God never allows a test in our lives, if it is not for our good in the long run.
We can keep our peace, calm and joy when we choose to give thanks to the Lord in everything, especially when we feel like doing the opposite.
As God’s children, we have access to the source of true joy. If we find ourselves frustrated and down, more than likely it is because we are not drinking from the river of God’s pleasures, that constantly flows from His throne (Psalms 36:8).
The best way to emotional healing is to choose to rejoice always, knowing that God is good no matter what, and that He wants us with Him for eternity.
We can keep our hearts pure and healthy if we pray without ceasing. Fervent prayer and worship get us into God’s presence the quickest. The deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit keeps our spirit healthy and helps us live to please God.
We have better days if we have better nights. If before going to bed, we give the Lord our frustrations and burdens, tell Him how much we love Him and how grateful we are for His constant love and goodness, the Holy Spirit will start to manifest His presence and will help us sleep deep and we will wake up rested and cheerful.
David was declaring over himself: “bless the Lord oh my soul!” We are to do the same thing in hard times, for keeping our inner self in the best place possible, and that is, in His presence.
The Holy Spirit manifests His presence when we express our love and praise towards the Lord.
Satan tries to get us to doubt our value in Jesus, to get us to believe that God does not love us.
To be able to fulfill God’s plan for our lives we need to trust in His calling, have the courage to act when what we must do is the opposite of worldly thinking, and know who we are in Christ.
If we truly love Jesus, the prompting from our hearts is the Holy Spirit speaking to us what God wants us to know.
If we do not have patience to wait for Isaac, we will end up with Ismael.
For Christians, the works of the flesh result in frustration, but whatever is done by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, produces eternal fruit.
It is not what we are going through that matters, it is about what we become in the process.
All changes start with a decision.
Once decisions are made, other options are cut off.
God sends people to help us in times of need. He sends the right person, at the right place, at the right moment, to do the right thing for us.
A problem is usually caused by the wrong person, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing.
As we mature in the Lord, we start to desire what God desires and have a better perspective on life.
God uses the frustrations of our lives, for our transformation in becoming what He has created us to be, so that we may do, what only each of us is called to do.
Time exposes the potential that we do not know we have yet. As a grain of sand irritates an oyster and provokes the creation of a wonderful pearl, what torments us now, God turns into something valuable for the future, when we trust Him.
Until we learn what we need to learn, many things we desire to be free from, will not be removed from our lives.
The depth of the valley is directly proportional to the height of the coming mountain.
When we worry, we torment ourselves with possibilities, or most likely impossibilities.
Worrying is a trap that holds us captive with destructive thinking, so that we cannot recognize the thoughts coming from God, which can set us free.
Father God wants us to receive His love for us and let it be the helmet that protects our minds from all the lies of the enemy, who tries his best to convince us that we have no value, no protection, no future, and all in between. The enemy wants us to feel and see ourselves as insecure, inferior, and rejected.
When our hearts are full of praise toward God, our lips will declare it and the rest of our being will follow. Let us worship Him! He is so worthy!
Insecurity, rejection and inferiority are three of our most common enemies, but we can defeat them when we truly understand that by having Jesus Christ as Lord, we have a hope and a future; in Jesus we are secured, protected, loved, accepted and are all equal.
If we keep the right attitude and a pure heart in the midst of our trials, we will enjoy the spiritual blessings that God has prepared for us!
Our prayer life is not meant to be a five-minute duty, to be done at the beginning and end of the day. Our prayer life must be a lifestyle, as we communicate with our Lord all the time.
Whatever we tolerate, God will not remove from our lives; He will set us free when we want to be free and ask Him to help us do it.
We may not understand why God allows all that happens around us in these days, but we can know for sure that He loves and takes care of us, all we need to do is trust Him!
The enemy cannot read our minds, but he can whisper a thought to us and based on our countenance, words and gestures, he knows if we received or rejected it. The good news is that we can stop his destructive attacks, by resisting them with the truth of God’s Word!
If we would do everything perfect, we would be so full of ourselves that there would be no room for Jesus. God looks at our hearts and when they are pure, sincere and loving, we can be sure that He is pleased with us.
True lasting peace cannot be found in external things, but only in Jesus, when He lives in our hearts!
For God, it is more important to prepare us for what we will face tomorrow, than to please us with answers just for today!
If we pay attention and believe everything that we hear from others, or through social and mass media, we start to panic and lose our peace. Now more than ever, we should trust the Lord, and His Word, which is the everlasting truth.
Even if at first, it is not easy to turn our attention and focus from what is temporary in this world, to what Jesus has prepared for us in heaven and to all that we have and are in Christ, the more we do so, the easier it becomes.
It is not easy to replace a bad habit, which we have practiced for years, with a good one. To do what the Bible says is right, it takes desire, determination, effort, and the help of the Holy Spirit. The good news is that the Holy Spirit is always ready to help us, if we ask Him! Let's not forget that God does not ask us to do something we cannot do! He has equipped us with everything we need, to be able to live in obedience to His Word.
Let us not despair while going through a waiting season, when everything seems to be on hold. It might be the best thing that ever happened to us, as the Holy Spirit builds up His character in us, when we keep the right heart, being thankful and praising God for His goodness and always being there for us.
When we cannot enter into God’s presence and shake off sadness or discouragement, we need to start praising God until He fills us with His joy. In the world we rejoice when we have joy, but in God’s Kingdom, we have joy because we rejoice!
Our level of knowledge is relational to our level of faith. We cannot believe in what we do not know. This is why it is so important to study our Bible and not just read it.
Works and grace are mutually exclusive. No one can earn God's grace by what they do. Jesus did it all, and only by becoming His, do we receive God's grace!
Sanctification is the process through which we are molded into the image of Jesus.
We are God’s sons and daughters, because of birthright through Jesus, and not because we serve and do things for His kingdom. We serve the Lord because we love Him.
God loves us so much that He does not want us to live imprisoned by bitterness and unforgiveness, but free in the liberty that comes from the love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, resulting in great peace and joy.
When we try to rule our own lives we fail, but if we follow God’s plan, we can have a great life, that fits us perfectly.
God’s love for us is not determined by our circumstances, but by what He helps us become after going through the hard times.
The way we think about ourselves and what we can accomplish, affects our future. We must never forget that our true value comes from Jesus Christ and in Him we can do all the things He calls to do!
We can never change if all we do is focus on our problem, instead of focusing on Jesus.
When we worry, we cannot pay attention to what the Lord says about how to fix the problem we struggle with.
Whatever God did not send, but allowed, He will use for our good in the long run.
Delay has a purpose. The greatest victories come after a long delay.
The weight of a trial is measured in the length of time we have to endure it.
When we cannot see God’s hand at work, we have to trust in our heavenly Father’s heart as He loves us unconditionally!
Some situations we go through are not meant as tests of our faith, but for us to trust that God will make them work for our good!
Worry and fear have never solved any of our problems, but certainly made things worse. But if we choose to do what the Lord teaches us in His Word, we may enjoy our lives more every day.
Having the favor of the Lord, does not mean that we are spared of suffering and problems, but it does mean, we can rest assured that God is with us in the trials.
God has no grandchildren, just sons and daughters! Salvation is a personal decision; it cannot be inherited!
If Jesus is our Lord, whenever we pray in the name of Jesus, we present ourselves to Father God as who Jesus is, not us.
There is glory in every story, if we look for the good in it and not for the bad.
Anything that is not real, time will expose. Only truth is everlasting!
We need to choose to stop worrying and start meditating on God’s Word, building up our faith.
Jesus came into this world to show us who God is, and how He handles things, and also, who He wants us to be, and how we are to handle things.
God has given us His grace to have the strength to not sin, and the blood of Jesus, to cleanse us when we still fail.
Faith cannot grow if the mind is not renewed through the Word of God. The worldly patterns of thinking do not allow the Holy Spirit to change and guide us, and limit our faith in God.
Grace is unmerited favor, meaning that we cannot do anything to earn it!
When we know that God is good and loves us unconditionally, we can totally trust Him and His help, no matter what we are going through.
God does not owe us anything, but we owe Him everything, including our very breath.
Trials can make us bitter, but we can choose to become better by the way we react to them.
God never allows a test in our lives, if it is not for our good in the long run.
We can keep our peace, calm and joy when we choose to give thanks to the Lord in everything, especially when we feel like doing the opposite.
As God’s children, we have access to the source of true joy. If we find ourselves frustrated and down, more than likely it is because we are not drinking from the river of God’s pleasures, that constantly flows from His throne (Psalms 36:8).
The best way to emotional healing is to choose to rejoice always, knowing that God is good no matter what, and that He wants us with Him for eternity.
We can keep our hearts pure and healthy if we pray without ceasing. Fervent prayer and worship get us into God’s presence the quickest. The deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit keeps our spirit healthy and helps us live to please God.
We have better days if we have better nights. If before going to bed, we give the Lord our frustrations and burdens, tell Him how much we love Him and how grateful we are for His constant love and goodness, the Holy Spirit will start to manifest His presence and will help us sleep deep and we will wake up rested and cheerful.
David was declaring over himself: “bless the Lord oh my soul!” We are to do the same thing in hard times, for keeping our inner self in the best place possible, and that is, in His presence.
The Holy Spirit manifests His presence when we express our love and praise towards the Lord.
Satan tries to get us to doubt our value in Jesus, to get us to believe that God does not love us.
To be able to fulfill God’s plan for our lives we need to trust in His calling, have the courage to act when what we must do is the opposite of worldly thinking, and know who we are in Christ.
If we truly love Jesus, the prompting from our hearts is the Holy Spirit speaking to us what God wants us to know.
If we do not have patience to wait for Isaac, we will end up with Ismael.
For Christians, the works of the flesh result in frustration, but whatever is done by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, produces eternal fruit.
It is not what we are going through that matters, it is about what we become in the process.
All changes start with a decision.
Once decisions are made, other options are cut off.
God sends people to help us in times of need. He sends the right person, at the right place, at the right moment, to do the right thing for us.
A problem is usually caused by the wrong person, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing.
As we mature in the Lord, we start to desire what God desires and have a better perspective on life.
God uses the frustrations of our lives, for our transformation in becoming what He has created us to be, so that we may do, what only each of us is called to do.
Time exposes the potential that we do not know we have yet. As a grain of sand irritates an oyster and provokes the creation of a wonderful pearl, what torments us now, God turns into something valuable for the future, when we trust Him.
Until we learn what we need to learn, many things we desire to be free from, will not be removed from our lives.
The depth of the valley is directly proportional to the height of the coming mountain.
When we worry, we torment ourselves with possibilities, or most likely impossibilities.
Worrying is a trap that holds us captive with destructive thinking, so that we cannot recognize the thoughts coming from God, which can set us free.
Father God wants us to receive His love for us and let it be the helmet that protects our minds from all the lies of the enemy, who tries his best to convince us that we have no value, no protection, no future, and all in between. The enemy wants us to feel and see ourselves as insecure, inferior, and rejected.
When our hearts are full of praise toward God, our lips will declare it and the rest of our being will follow. Let us worship Him! He is so worthy!
Insecurity, rejection and inferiority are three of our most common enemies, but we can defeat them when we truly understand that by having Jesus Christ as Lord, we have a hope and a future; in Jesus we are secured, protected, loved, accepted and are all equal.
If we keep the right attitude and a pure heart in the midst of our trials, we will enjoy the spiritual blessings that God has prepared for us!
Our prayer life is not meant to be a five-minute duty, to be done at the beginning and end of the day. Our prayer life must be a lifestyle, as we communicate with our Lord all the time.
Whatever we tolerate, God will not remove from our lives; He will set us free when we want to be free and ask Him to help us do it.
We may not understand why God allows all that happens around us in these days, but we can know for sure that He loves and takes care of us, all we need to do is trust Him!
The enemy cannot read our minds, but he can whisper a thought to us and based on our countenance, words and gestures, he knows if we received or rejected it. The good news is that we can stop his destructive attacks, by resisting them with the truth of God’s Word!
If we would do everything perfect, we would be so full of ourselves that there would be no room for Jesus. God looks at our hearts and when they are pure, sincere and loving, we can be sure that He is pleased with us.
True lasting peace cannot be found in external things, but only in Jesus, when He lives in our hearts!
For God, it is more important to prepare us for what we will face tomorrow, than to please us with answers just for today!
If we pay attention and believe everything that we hear from others, or through social and mass media, we start to panic and lose our peace. Now more than ever, we should trust the Lord, and His Word, which is the everlasting truth.
Even if at first, it is not easy to turn our attention and focus from what is temporary in this world, to what Jesus has prepared for us in heaven and to all that we have and are in Christ, the more we do so, the easier it becomes.
It is not easy to replace a bad habit, which we have practiced for years, with a good one. To do what the Bible says is right, it takes desire, determination, effort, and the help of the Holy Spirit. The good news is that the Holy Spirit is always ready to help us, if we ask Him! Let's not forget that God does not ask us to do something we cannot do! He has equipped us with everything we need, to be able to live in obedience to His Word.
Let us not despair while going through a waiting season, when everything seems to be on hold. It might be the best thing that ever happened to us, as the Holy Spirit builds up His character in us, when we keep the right heart, being thankful and praising God for His goodness and always being there for us.
When we cannot enter into God’s presence and shake off sadness or discouragement, we need to start praising God until He fills us with His joy. In the world we rejoice when we have joy, but in God’s Kingdom, we have joy because we rejoice!
Our level of knowledge is relational to our level of faith. We cannot believe in what we do not know. This is why it is so important to study our Bible and not just read it.
Works and grace are mutually exclusive. No one can earn God's grace by what they do. Jesus did it all, and only by becoming His, do we receive God's grace!
Sanctification is the process through which we are molded into the image of Jesus.
We are God’s sons and daughters, because of birthright through Jesus, and not because we serve and do things for His kingdom. We serve the Lord because we love Him.
God loves us so much that He does not want us to live imprisoned by bitterness and unforgiveness, but free in the liberty that comes from the love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, resulting in great peace and joy.
When we try to rule our own lives we fail, but if we follow God’s plan, we can have a great life, that fits us perfectly.
God’s love for us is not determined by our circumstances, but by what He helps us become after going through the hard times.
The way we think about ourselves and what we can accomplish, affects our future. We must never forget that our true value comes from Jesus Christ and in Him we can do all the things He calls to do!
We can never change if all we do is focus on our problem, instead of focusing on Jesus.
When we worry, we cannot pay attention to what the Lord says about how to fix the problem we struggle with.
Whatever God did not send, but allowed, He will use for our good in the long run.
Delay has a purpose. The greatest victories come after a long delay.
The weight of a trial is measured in the length of time we have to endure it.
When we cannot see God’s hand at work, we have to trust in our heavenly Father’s heart as He loves us unconditionally!
Some situations we go through are not meant as tests of our faith, but for us to trust that God will make them work for our good!
Worry and fear have never solved any of our problems, but certainly made things worse. But if we choose to do what the Lord teaches us in His Word, we may enjoy our lives more every day.
Having the favor of the Lord, does not mean that we are spared of suffering and problems, but it does mean, we can rest assured that God is with us in the trials.
God has no grandchildren, just sons and daughters! Salvation is a personal decision; it cannot be inherited!
If Jesus is our Lord, whenever we pray in the name of Jesus, we present ourselves to Father God as who Jesus is, not us.
There is glory in every story, if we look for the good in it and not for the bad.
Anything that is not real, time will expose. Only truth is everlasting!
Encouragement from the Bible. Truth to know and stand upon.
A list of over 100 Bible verses regarding “fear” in the context of “fear not” “do not fear” and “do not be afraid.”
A collection of Bible verses pertaining to joy and rejoicing in the Lord.
Understanding the true meaning and power of rejoicing in the Lord.
The Bible teaches us how to find the real and long lasting happiness.
What is your definition of happiness? Jesus wants us all to have a happy and abundant life found in and through Him.
Know and standing upon the Word of God.
This is a fresh look at the power of faith that we can see through Abraham's life.
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.”
Psalms 19:14
Only we forsake the Lord. God will never leave us or forsake us.
Encouragement & Scriptural guidance for healing.
Copyright © 2021 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit