- “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you," says the Lord, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” - Jeremiah 29:11
God wants what is best for us, even more than we do, and if we allow Him to rule our lives, He will use everything we go through (Romans 8:28), to help us be more Christlike.
A new year is a new beginning, with new challenges and new successes or failures. Have you ever considered that what seems to be a failure when it happens, might become a success after a period of time? Every single one of us have lived through situations that were almost impossible to accept at first, only to realize later, as we started to consider all the factors and circumstances, that what happened was for our benefit in the long run. There is so much that we cannot control, but we can choose how we respond to it!
For most, our jobs are very important to us and also are one of the main causes of many of our problems and stress. Sometimes, the fear of losing a job can be overwhelming and make it difficult to hear God’s voice. If it really happens that ones loses their job, it may seem to be a disaster, but God can use it as a “springboard” for a better job, with better pay and less stress. It might also be a turning point, as we might find out that we were created by God for a totally different profession than the one we had chosen, worked and prepared for. And after all the changes, going to work might become a blessing instead of a burden.
Once we learn to turn our worrying thoughts into prayers to God and we study the Bible on a daily basis, everything changes. The Bible teaches us what God likes and dislikes, what His promises are and how to solve the problems we face correctly. As we grow in knowing God and His will, the new issues that come our way seems smaller and easier to deal with. If we have a thankful heart and have faith in God’s love, protection and help, handling life’s hardships certainly become easier and we find deeper peace in knowing that God’s way is the best way.
Suggested prayer: Father God, please give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation of Your love towards me and of my value in Your eyes. Help me understand that You always want what is best for me and to always rejoice in You and in what You have provided for me eternally! In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” - John 15:9-12
Father God loves us to the fullest and unconditionally. God is love and we should not be surprised that Jesus says that He loves us just as He is loved by His Father. The more we obey God, the more we prove our love to Him and the happier we become. As we try to please those that we love and we love to see them happy and smiling, we should also want to please God, to abide in Him all the time, to obey His leadership and to constantly communicate with Him through the Holy Spirit.
Obeying the command of loving one another is very beneficial for us. You may wonder what I mean by that. Well, first of all, we are happier when we love, secondly, it is easier to forgive those that we love. When someone that we love hurts us, it is easier not to be offended or hurt by their words and actions, than when someone else does it. Isn’t that true? We give grace to those we care for. The more we love people, the more we experience the fullness of the joy of the Lord filling our hearts. In loving others, we become more blessed and live happier lives.
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, please fill me with Your love so that I can love those that do not love me and those who I do not like. I cannot do it in my own strength, but with You all things are possible. Please help me obey Your commands, grow in Your “agape” love and live in obedience to You. Help me abide in Your love so that Your joy will remain in me, and that my joy may be full. I want to be Yours forever, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him... If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” - John 14:21, 23b
Once Jesus becomes our Lord and we are adopted into God’s family, we have to learn and obey God’s commandments written in His Word. This is not to purchase our salvation, as it only comes by grace through Jesus Christ. We obey God because our hearts have changed, and we cannot live rebellious lives anymore. The good deeds and obedience to God come as a result of our hearts’ transformations, through the work of the Holy Spirit and prove that we love the Lord. We love Him, because He first loved us and died in our place, paying for our sins.
For a long time after I came to Jesus, I could not believe that He really loved me. I was convinced that I did not deserve His love and had to work hard to earn it. I would lose my peace when things did not go right, and I was very hard on myself when I made any mistakes. But God, in His mercy has helped me understand the unquestionable truth of His great love.
God’s love for us is based on who He is and not on our works or performance. Father God loved us before He even created us and wants us to be with Him forever. What a great hope we have in this! The truth is that we can never deserve God’s love, but because we are His children, when He looks at us, He sees the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ! Jesus is perfect and God sees us perfect as long as we are His!
Suggested prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me realize how much You really love me, that Your love for me never changes based on what I do or not. And help me never forget that Your desire for me is to fulfill Your will and remain in You and You in me. I want to know You more and more. I give You thanks for allowing me to not only know You but to even depend totally upon You for all I am and do, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace. - 2 Thessalonians 2:16
There is perfect harmony, love and unity between God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. There is nothing to separate them. Each one works in unity with the other and all three have the same purpose, the same nature. The apostle John writes in his first epistle: "For there are three who profess in heaven: the Father, the Word (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one." (1 John 5: 7)
Each of the three are God, are everlasting, unlimited, non-created, almighty and they co-exist in perfect unity, each having specific responsibilities and together being just one God, one person with no division. Father God is the source of life and all that is good, Jesus Christ is the Mediator between us and Father God; because we ask in His Name, we receive from the Father and the Holy Spirit accomplishes and brings into being what we prayed for.
God’s desire is to have the same unity with us. He wants us to depend on Him, to love and obey Him in every area of our lives and in all our decisions; to trust His love for us and that His will is for our best, even if sometimes it doesn’t seem so.
We are saved by grace, through Jesus’ sacrificial love. Through His sacrifice we have the greatest hope of all, which is spending eternity where Jesus has gone “to prepare a place for us” (John 14:2).
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, please help me receive Your love, so I can love You with all my heart, all my mind and all my strength and to live in full obedience to You. Please help me never forget, no matter what I have to go through, that You want me with You in heaven for all eternity. So please help me to give it all to You on a daily basis, so I may have Your blessings and inherit eternal life. Glory to You forever and ever, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." - John 6:35
Let us feed our spirits with the spiritual food of the Word of God, pray earnest prayers and lift our praises to the Lord. In so doing, we find the strength to overcome in hard times. Oftentimes, when we are attacked from every direction, we are tempted to doubt the love of God. Only by staying close to Jesus, can we remain full of the love of the Lord, remain true and stay faithful to Him.
God’s love for us is perfect and never changes. God created man with free will, being free to choose between good and evil, and that is why we can hurt each other. When we face difficult situations, if we choose to remember when the Lord previously helped and even did miracles for us, we can extinguish the lies the enemy might have placed as thoughts in our minds, such as trying to convince us that God does not love us anymore, therefore the Lord is allowing pain and suffering in our lives.
Most of the suffering in this world comes from free will, whether it is ours or someone else’s. When we focus on the Lord and praise Him for who He is and what He has done for us, we increase our faith in the Lord and doubt cannot stay.
Suggested prayer: Thank You my Lord God for everything You did for me. Thank You that Your love for me is always constant, because it is based on Your nature and not on my performance. Your Word is the truth and the food for my soul that I need every day. Thank You Lord that in Jesus I have all I need, as He is the Word, the Bread of Life and the Truth. Please give me passion to study Your Word and help me feed my spirit daily, to grow in faith and to trust in You no matter what! Glory and praises to Your Name! You deserve all honor, love and worship! Amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
Anxiety and gratitude cannot occupy the same heart! We cannot have worry and peace, or fear and joy at the same time. Fear cancels joy and steals our courage to act. But the good news is that a thankful heart moves our focus from the problems to the Lord, who is the source of all good and has the solution to any problem that causes us to fear and worry in the first place! To have the peace that surpasses all understanding and live the full life that Jesus promised us, we must choose to fully trust in Him, instead of worrying and being afraid.
There will always be reasons to worry and fear, but how we handle them is up to us. If we continue to think about them, we will amplify them. The more we ponder on them, the harder it will be to trust the Lord for the solution. Instead, if we choose to think about the things that we can be thankful for, and focus on the Bible’s promises for our situations, we will be able to do what Paul says and “be anxious for nothing.”
Suggested prayer: Lord God, please help me trust You! You are Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides and takes care of me; You always fulfill your Word! Your promises are true, and I can trust them. Thank You Lord for all You have done for me already and for the wonderful way You will also solve the situation I am facing now. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us - Romans 5:8
Jesus Christ came as a human in this world to save us. He died in our place, paying for all our sins, so all who will believe in Him, can give Him all and live in obedience, to be with Him forever. He died while we were sinners, proving us, His unconditional love.
Jesus suffered, was mocked, humiliated, tortured, whipped, and crucified in terrible torment, but never sinned. He does not promise us a trouble free or painless life, but He assures us that His blood has washed our sins away and "has made us kings and priests to His God and Father" (Revelation 1:6).
Suggested prayer: Thank You my Lord for all You suffered in my place and for the blood You shed on the cross, that has the same power today as ever, to cleanse and forgive my sins and of all mankind. Father God please help me live a life worthy of You, in close fellowship with You, seeking to know You more and more and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Glory and honor to Your name forever, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, - 1 Peter 4:1
If Jesus, the Son of God, was not spared pain and suffering, why would we think that we would never have pain and suffering too? The apostle Peter urges us to have the right mentality. It is up to us to strengthen our hearts while all goes well for us, so that when we go through hardships we will not be defeated. I'm not saying that we should expect something bad to happen all the time, because that would mean to believe the enemy's lies and to give him the power to hurt us. We need to know that nothing can destroy us, as long as we abide in Jesus and He remains in us. We can face whatever comes our way because the Lord is on our side. Jesus knows what we are going through and He is always ready to help us out. We are to follow Jesus and no longer live as slaves to sin, as we used to do before we became God's children. We no longer choose to sin, but we rather hate sin!
No matter how hard and painful the situations we are going through are at any given time, they cannot compare to the sufferings that the innocent Son of God went through out of His love for us. Remembering the suffering that Lord Jesus endured, helped me so much, while going through the many hardships and injustices of life. We are each born with a sinful nature, and we have all sinned against God, but because Jesus has paid the price for our sins, everyone can ask Him to forgive their sins, become their Lord and Savior and be adopted into His heavenly family.
Suggested prayer: Thank You so much my Lord for your sacrifice that made my adoption possible into Father’s God family. Thank You for the security I have in You, that whatever may come my way, You are with me and help me out of every bad situation. Please help me to never forget how much You suffered out of Your love for me and please help me fear only You and not people or situations. I love You my Lord, please help me to please You in all things, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:1-2
We are urged to follow the example of the great men of God that have lived what they have preached. We need to identify every sin that may tempt us together with everything that may stop us from living righteous lives, so we may run efficiently and finish right the race of faith.
If we follow Jesus, the perfect example of faith and holiness, we will finish up well. It was worth it to Jesus to come as one of us and live in this dirty and sinful world; He came to heal and help, even the very ones who condemned Him to death and did not consider that it was too much for Him to die the worse death of all times, through crucifixion. He suffered all these and much more than the movies of our day can reveal, all for the joy of having a relationship with us here and then to have us with Him, Father God and Holy Spirit, in the perfect heaven forever.
Suggested prayer: How could I ever thank You enough my Lord, for all you suffered for me? I am asking You with all my heart to please help me to identify every sin and not sin against You. Dear Lord, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I will have the strength to fight against everything that may cause me to sin, so I can live a holy and pure life that pleases You. It is such a joy to know that You rejoice at the thought of having me with You forever in heaver! Thank You Lord, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
In Jesus we have the perfect example. If the Son of God had to face so much opposition and even from those who pretended to be God’s servants who were so much against Him, we should not be surprised that so many are against us and our faith too.
Do you remember the sarcasm, mockery and even persecution that you endured when you first began your Christian life? We all had and some still have to face the opposition from others to some extent. In the beginning, we were all so enthusiastic about sharing the gospel and seeing the whole world saved. We still want them all to have the abundant life in Jesus that we have. But along the way as many people refused to receive what we had to say and some even hurt us, we have become more careful to whom we share the gospel with, and sad to say, some of us have stopped sharing Jesus completely.
The Lord Jesus never let those who were against Him, discourage Him, on the contrary, He continued to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead. We are urged to follow the example of the Lord, and as we continue to tell others about Jesus, pray that they will be healed or that their problems will be solved, we will have successes as well. This is the only way we will not end up exhausted, discouraged and we will be able to keep our zeal for the advancement of the gospel!
Suggested prayer: Dear Father God, please help me love You with all that I am and to be ready to tell others about You, every time You give me the chance to do it. Please, even today give me at least one person willing to hear about You or who needs prayer, for You to minister to them. Please Holy Spirit, refill me with Your presence, so that You can minister through me! Glory and Honor to You dear Lord and to Your Holy Name, amen.
- For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. - Hebrews 12:3
In Jesus we have the perfect example. If the Son of God had to face so much opposition and even from those who pretended to be God’s servants who were so much against Him, we should not be surprised that so many are against us and our faith too.
Do you remember the sarcasm, mockery and even persecution that you endured when you first began your Christian life? We all had and some still have to face the opposition from others to some extent. In the beginning, we were all so enthusiastic about sharing the gospel and seeing the whole world saved. We still want them all to have the abundant life in Jesus that we have. But along the way as many people refused to receive what we had to say and some even hurt us, we have become more careful to whom we share the gospel with, and sad to say, some of us have stopped sharing Jesus completely.
The Lord Jesus never let those who were against Him, discourage Him, on the contrary, He continued to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead. We are urged to follow the example of the Lord, and as we continue to tell others about Jesus, pray that they will be healed or that their problems will be solved, we will have successes as well. This is the only way we will not end up exhausted, discouraged and we will be able to keep our zeal for the advancement of the gospel!
Suggested prayer: Dear Father God, please help me love You with all that I am and to be ready to tell others about You, every time You give me the chance to do it. Please, even today give me at least one person willing to hear about You or who needs prayer, for You to minister to them. Please Holy Spirit, refill me with Your presence, so that You can minister through me! Glory and Honor to You dear Lord and to Your Holy Name, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you--unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
After we have heard the gospel, it is not enough to just receive it temporarily to be saved, but we are to live according to truth of the gospel, until the end, “or else we believed in vain.” The first essential truth for salvation is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and did not remain dead in a tomb but on the third day He was resurrected, fulfilling the written prophecies about Him from the Old Testament.
We are called to tell others the good news of the gospel, all that Jesus has done for mankind. Jesus died for the sins of all people, of all time, but only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for their sins, asking Him to become the Lord of their lives and asking forgiveness for all their sins, sincerely regretting them, will receive the benefits of Jesus’ sacrifice. After this first step, the life of faith continues. By studying the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit, praying on a daily basis and being right with God, we will be saved (Romans 10: 9-10).
Suggested prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and You died for my sins, that I may live. I deeply regret that I have sinned against You, please forgive me and help me not to sin again. Please come into my heart and become the Lord of my life. Please help me to change and live to please You, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
Most of us wake up with the desire to have a great day! As believers, we start by praying to the Lord to help us to not sin, be kind, nice to others and to have peace and joy in Him. But the joy of a new day, perfectly planned, is often short lived, mostly until we get out of bed and see something wrong or until someone else ruins our plans. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
For our joy to last, we must be willing to fight to keep it. The stronger our faith in Jesus is, the more peace and joy we will have. We have to pay attention to the thoughts that rob us of our peace. We need to solve the real and urgent ones and not waste ourselves on futile thoughts. In so doing, we will have more peace than we have ever had.
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, the Holy Spirit, lives in us (Romans 8:11). He is the power that helps us have complete peace and joy, because He is the proof that the hope we have in Jesus is real!
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I will have true peace and joy. Help me to be more sensitive to Your warnings, to resist all the thoughts from the evil one, to identify and oppose anything that can steal my peace without reason and not worry about what I cannot change. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen!
- Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:13
Most of us wake up with the desire to have a great day! As believers, we start by praying to the Lord to help us to not sin, be kind, nice to others and to have peace and joy in Him. But the joy of a new day, perfectly planned, is often short lived, mostly until we get out of bed and see something wrong or until someone else ruins our plans. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
For our joy to last, we must be willing to fight to keep it. The stronger our faith in Jesus is, the more peace and joy we will have. We have to pay attention to the thoughts that rob us of our peace. We need to solve the real and urgent ones and not waste ourselves on futile thoughts. In so doing, we will have more peace than we have ever had.
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, the Holy Spirit, lives in us (Romans 8:11). He is the power that helps us have complete peace and joy, because He is the proof that the hope we have in Jesus is real!
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I will have true peace and joy. Help me to be more sensitive to Your warnings, to resist all the thoughts from the evil one, to identify and oppose anything that can steal my peace without reason and not worry about what I cannot change. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds - 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
We are in a continuous war as long as we live on this earth. Since Lucifer rebelled against God, the first battle in the universe began. And after Adam and Eve chose to believe the lie of the devil, sinning against God, they lost their dominion over the earth to the devil, and every human being since then has been born into sin. There is a continuous war between good and evil. We have to make decisions all the time, and if we are not led by the Holy Spirit, we have no chance to make the right ones.
During the years we lived without Christ, Satan established “strongholds” in our minds. These fortifications are twisted memories or opinions based on what we have experienced in the past, that the devil managed to make us believe as truth, but in reality they are false. We cannot break down these preconceptions, which are stored as permanent memory in the brain, unless we renew our minds with the help of the Holy Spirit. The "battle of the mind" is a spiritual battle that can only be won by being aware of it and fighting it with the spiritual weapons, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Suggested prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me identify the lying strongholds of the enemy in my mind and tear them down. Please show me the Bible verses that prove them as lies so I will stop believing them and build on the truth instead. Because I am Your child, I am “the head and not the tail” and I am “more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ,” I am loved and have true value in Your eyes. Thank You so very much my dear Lord! Glory, honor and praises to Your holy name, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
It is up to us to be willing to destroy any attempt of the enemy in trying to take control of our minds. The devil drops his thoughts into our minds trying to make us sin. What is tempting for one person may not be tempting for another. The enemy knows what attracts us and what to use to deceive us. We are the ones who have to “resist him, steadfast in the faith," (1 Peter 5:9) no matter how many times he returns, or how attractive he “packages” his deception. If we do not know our weaknesses and do not fight against them with the Bible verses that give us victory in these areas, we become his victims. The Bible has the right teachings for any problem we are going through and by learning the truth of the Scripture, we become stronger and the temptations will have less power over us.
How can we submit our thoughts to Jesus? Shortly after I came to Christ, I spilled the cleaning powder on the kitchen carpet. My habit was to be very upset with myself and call myself clumsy, careless and so on. Does it sound familiar? But the Holy Spirit brought these verses into my mind and stopped me from acting as usual. I began to say, "I am bringing all these negative thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ. In Jesus, I have the victory and getting mad is not helping me at all. On the contrary, by keeping calm and having the right attitude I will be able to clean this mess, better and faster.” And it worked! Thank God, I have had to apply these verses endless times, over the years. I cannot say that I have managed to keep my right attitude every time, but I have made great progress and I will continue to grow in the right direction with Jesus’ help. There is hope for every single one of us!
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, there is no way for me to keep my calm and have the right attitude without the help and guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me when things go wrong, to stop and give any negative thoughts to Jesus, to keep my calm and to hear what how You want me to handle this situation and to accomplish it. Thank You Lord, amen.
- Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, - 2 Corinthians 10:5
It is up to us to be willing to destroy any attempt of the enemy in trying to take control of our minds. The devil drops his thoughts into our minds trying to make us sin. What is tempting for one person may not be tempting for another. The enemy knows what attracts us and what to use to deceive us. We are the ones who have to “resist him, steadfast in the faith," (1 Peter 5:9) no matter how many times he returns, or how attractive he “packages” his deception. If we do not know our weaknesses and do not fight against them with the Bible verses that give us victory in these areas, we become his victims. The Bible has the right teachings for any problem we are going through and by learning the truth of the Scripture, we become stronger and the temptations will have less power over us.
How can we submit our thoughts to Jesus? Shortly after I came to Christ, I spilled the cleaning powder on the kitchen carpet. My habit was to be very upset with myself and call myself clumsy, careless and so on. Does it sound familiar? But the Holy Spirit brought these verses into my mind and stopped me from acting as usual. I began to say, "I am bringing all these negative thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ. In Jesus, I have the victory and getting mad is not helping me at all. On the contrary, by keeping calm and having the right attitude I will be able to clean this mess, better and faster.” And it worked! Thank God, I have had to apply these verses endless times, over the years. I cannot say that I have managed to keep my right attitude every time, but I have made great progress and I will continue to grow in the right direction with Jesus’ help. There is hope for every single one of us!
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, there is no way for me to keep my calm and have the right attitude without the help and guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me when things go wrong, to stop and give any negative thoughts to Jesus, to keep my calm and to hear what how You want me to handle this situation and to accomplish it. Thank You Lord, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. - James 1:12-15
Temptation can affect us only if we are weak in an area causing us to find it attractive and desirable. I'm not saying that eating sweets is a sin, but it can become a problem when we eat them without measure. Anything that we allow to control us is a sin. Someone who hates chocolate can have many boxes of the finest and most appetizing chocolates in front of them and not even want to touch any. Instead, for a chocolate lover, any chocolate is hard to refuse. We must identify our weaknesses and ask God to help us overcome them. If we meditate and pray with the Bible verses that refer to our problem, until the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to our heart, it will take us less and less time to overcome our weakness and we will be able to stand firm against the attacks of the evil one. If we are not aware of our weaknesses, the devil will use them to keep us in sin.
Suggested prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me identify the lies which I have fallen for and believe to be the truth. Please show me the verses that contradict these lies and give me the will and the power to proclaim them until the lie from my memory is replaced by the truth of Your Word. I thank You Lord God, that You have already done all that is needed for my restoration, and by Your power I will destroy these strongholds, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. - 1 Timothy 6:10-12
We live in a world full of advertisements that praise self and promote sin to the highest level. At every turn, we are assaulted by evil and a multitude of things that contradict the values of God’s Word. All these so-called values are obtained with money, resulting in the love of money and the ways of making it become the root of all kinds of evil. Let us not be deceived; the source of accomplishment and happiness, is not the amount of money we have, but the level of intimacy in our relationship with our Lord Jesus.
If we are in the Lord's will and where He wants us to be, even if the economy is declining, little becomes much, because the Lord multiplies our income and does not let us suffer. After all, the Lord's plan is not for all of us to be rich and to just be able to waste money on personal pleasure. If He blesses us beyond our needs, He does it so that we can help others and be able to help the gospel go out to all the earth.
To fight the good fight of faith, we are to pursue: "righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness." The more we have these attributes in our lives, the safer our journey to heaven will be.
Whatever we value more than God, becomes an idol causing us to sin, and to slip from the straight path in our relationship with Jesus. What we are looking for in life shows who we serve and who we are. If we seek to have the fruit of the Holy Spirit and do as the Bible directs, we fight the good fight of faith and we will spend eternity in heaven. The choice is up to us.
Suggested prayer: Lord God, please help me everyday to have the right priorities, to desire what is pleasing to You and fulfill Your plan for my life. Please give me the strength and desire to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness and to accomplish Your will in all things, because I want to be Yours now and forever. Thank You for everything, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”- Matthew 24:12-13
Jesus warns us that sin will become something "normal" in the last days in which we are living in, and as a result, more and more Christians will lose their love for justice and for God.
The Lord says that “‘he who endures to the end shall be saved.’” It is not easy to stay on the "narrow path" of faith, and we will “endure to the end” only if we are fully dedicated and we surrender it all to the Lord. The good news is that our Lord wants us to succeed, even if we should be here during the worst tribulation. Jesus assures us that “‘because you have kept My command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth’” (Revelation 3:10). For me, these verses are very encouraging, and they are part of the anchor that holds and encourages me when I think of what it will be like if I have to be on this earth in the last days of the end times. I pray they will help you too. No effort is too great to live right for our Lord, when we realize that our eternity will be determined by our choices and actions while here on earth.
Suggested prayer: How wonderful and encouraging are the Bible’s promises, my Lord! Thank You that no matter what may come my way, if I love and follow You, I am under Your protection, and You always help me out. Please help me identify every sin and temptation and never consider them as normal but hate everything that comes from the evil one and love all that is good, pure and holy. I praise You Lord God, for You are worthy and I want to surrender all unto You, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
It is impossible to obey the command to love one another without the help of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever wondered why God commands us to love? If we only love the nice and likable people who never offend or do us wrong, it would not be so hard, but we are to love the others too!
Recently I realized something very important. If all people would love others as they love themselves, life on earth would be close to heavenly life. It is so true that we forgive the ones we love the easiest. It is so much easier to forgive and make excuses for what our loved ones do to us. But when the ones that we do not even like hurt us, it is another story. We treat the same hurt or offense differently, based upon the feelings we have towards the person that has done us wrong.
This is why we do ourselves a huge favor, in asking the Lord to help us love people. When we love each other as the Lord has directed, we open the door to being happier, pleasing God and having more reasons to rejoice.
Suggested prayer: Lord God, You are love itself, not only its creator. Please help me love those that are hard to love, those that I do not like and those who treat me wrong. You know what I am facing, You know my heart and I know that without Your help I cannot love or grow in love. Please help me love as You want me to love, to think as You want me to think and act as You want me to act. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen.
- And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment. - 1 John 3:23
It is impossible to obey the command to love one another without the help of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever wondered why God commands us to love? If we only love the nice and likable people who never offend or do us wrong, it would not be so hard, but we are to love the others too!
Recently I realized something very important. If all people would love others as they love themselves, life on earth would be close to heavenly life. It is so true that we forgive the ones we love the easiest. It is so much easier to forgive and make excuses for what our loved ones do to us. But when the ones that we do not even like hurt us, it is another story. We treat the same hurt or offense differently, based upon the feelings we have towards the person that has done us wrong.
This is why we do ourselves a huge favor, in asking the Lord to help us love people. When we love each other as the Lord has directed, we open the door to being happier, pleasing God and having more reasons to rejoice.
Suggested prayer: Lord God, You are love itself, not only its creator. Please help me love those that are hard to love, those that I do not like and those who treat me wrong. You know what I am facing, You know my heart and I know that without Your help I cannot love or grow in love. Please help me love as You want me to love, to think as You want me to think and act as You want me to act. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him... 23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. - Colossians 3:17, 23-24
If we have a sincere heart, nothing that the Lord asks us to do, will be too hard to accomplish and will even be rewarded for eternity! To receive the heavenly rewards when Jesus returns at the rapture to take us to be with Him forever, all that we do should be done with all our hearts as unto the Lord, without expecting any reward from people. No matter who we work for, the truth is, that everything we do is recorded in heaven. This is why we are urged to do our best in everything as unto the Lord, not just as required by men. God sees and knows everything we do, think and feel. Jesus paid for our sins, but if we persist in sin, being aware that we are sinning, it is time to stop, to sincerely ask God to forgive us and change our hearts and actions.
In order to inherit eternal life, we will not always be able to please those we love. There are situations where we have to choose between doing what the Lord asks and what our dear ones want. We know it is not worth it to choose against the Lord, the price is too high. When we choose to obey the Lord, we give Him the freedom to work in our situations with those who oppose Him and to get something good out of what seems bad at the time. No one deserves our obedience more than Jesus; only the Lord died for us and each of us will “appear before the judgment seat of Christ” with the good or the bad we have done in the body (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Suggested prayer: Lord God Almighty, please forgive me for not doing things with all my heart and because I have not always had a thankful heart towards You. Please help me to understand that in everything I do, I must do as unto You, having the right heart and doing it all the best I can. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
We all have duties that we do not enjoy, and we would avoid if possible. We all know that whatever we do out of duty, without pleasure, takes us longer, often does not work out right and may need to be redone a few times, prolonging our frustration. While studying at the university, I had to learn many subjects that I did not like, and even though I did not know anything about the renewal of the mind through the Word of God at the time, I formed the habit of declaring that I loved what I had to study, that I could learn it and pass the exam with success. And it really worked! Since then, I've been using this method with all I have to do that I would not normally enjoy doing.
Most of us do not like the company of those who always complain and are unhappy. If we constantly have an unhappy heart and a negative attitude, we may not have very many friends around us either. Whenever we find ourselves complaining and giving way to procrastination, sin is not far off. The more we hesitate and postpone a dreaded job, the harder it will be to get it done.
The Holy Spirit is our Helper, and He wants us to call upon Him to help us do whatever we have to do, even if it is cleaning house, cooking, doing laundry, fixing things, cleaning the garage, or taking care of important tasks or even simple ones. When we must help others, the Holy Spirit will help us do it with love and the right heart, so that our good deed will receive God’s reward.
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, I desperately need Your help! Only if You help me will I be able to overcome my tendency to complain and delay the hard tasks I must do. You know my heart and how difficult it is for me, so please give me the passion to do it right and as unto You and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can change and become what you want me to be. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen.
- Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, - Philippians 2:14-15
We all have duties that we do not enjoy, and we would avoid if possible. We all know that whatever we do out of duty, without pleasure, takes us longer, often does not work out right and may need to be redone a few times, prolonging our frustration. While studying at the university, I had to learn many subjects that I did not like, and even though I did not know anything about the renewal of the mind through the Word of God at the time, I formed the habit of declaring that I loved what I had to study, that I could learn it and pass the exam with success. And it really worked! Since then, I've been using this method with all I have to do that I would not normally enjoy doing.
Most of us do not like the company of those who always complain and are unhappy. If we constantly have an unhappy heart and a negative attitude, we may not have very many friends around us either. Whenever we find ourselves complaining and giving way to procrastination, sin is not far off. The more we hesitate and postpone a dreaded job, the harder it will be to get it done.
The Holy Spirit is our Helper, and He wants us to call upon Him to help us do whatever we have to do, even if it is cleaning house, cooking, doing laundry, fixing things, cleaning the garage, or taking care of important tasks or even simple ones. When we must help others, the Holy Spirit will help us do it with love and the right heart, so that our good deed will receive God’s reward.
Suggested prayer: Dear Lord, I desperately need Your help! Only if You help me will I be able to overcome my tendency to complain and delay the hard tasks I must do. You know my heart and how difficult it is for me, so please give me the passion to do it right and as unto You and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can change and become what you want me to be. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. - Colossians 3:1-2
If we received Jesus as Lord and were transformed by the seed of the Word of God revealed by the Holy Spirit, being born again, we died to the natural, human nature and became alive in the spirit. It is now then up to us to remain spiritually alive and not to keep on resurrecting our old nature by going back to our old habits and sinful pleasures.
If we look at any daily problem we have from above it, the issue will become smaller and less serious. As darkness continues to increase on earth, we are facing more and more wickedness. We can become overwhelmed and be defeated, or we can choose to "think about things from above" and be victorious. When we begin to praise the Lord for what He has already done for us and for the "full half of the glass," we move our attention from what upsets us, to Jesus, who has the solution, and allow the Holy Spirit to show us what to do.
If we seek to grow in the knowledge of our Lord, by studying the Bible, by focusing our attention and our thoughts on God’s kingdom, and not on this world, our spirit will not only remain alive but will continue to grow, taking more and more control over our lives. Only by doing so, can we become what God intended us to be in the first place. God created us to be spiritual beings who have a soul and live in a body, led by the spirit in unity with the Holy Spirit, who teaches and leads us into all truth, just as Jesus said He would do: “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” (John 16:13)
Suggested prayer: My beloved Lord, please help me to give you more of my mind, heart, and all that I am. Let Your light guide me upon Your right path. Please help me not to fall into the trap of evil thoughts, but to fight against any discouragement, sadness, grief or worry by setting my eyes upon You. Teach me how to truly praise You, and please remind me of all the wonderful things that you have already done for me, that I may remain in Your peace, which exceeds all understanding. Glory to You my Lord, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” - Colossians 3:3-4
As I write these meditations, I am enduring a situation that is almost unbearable. And it seems to have no end. The devil uses those who are his to try to stop us from doing what the Lord called us to do, but Jesus who is in us, is greater than the evil one (1 John 4:4)! I could not face this situation in my own strength and keep my peace if I did not choose to thank Jesus that He will help me get through this situation as He has done so many times in the past. By doing so I remind myself that I died to the desires of my flesh and my life is hidden in the heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and who is also God. What a powerful encouragement!
Maybe you are going through a hard time also and you do not know how to deal with it. Let us “resist him (the devil), steadfast in faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brothers in the world,” as we read in 1 Peter 5: 9, none of us are spared difficult times. It is good to prepare our hearts ahead of time, so we will not be taken by surprise. In John 10:27-29, Jesus says that no one, no situation or problem, can pull us out of His hand or the heavenly Father’s hand, for the Father and the Son are one! Hallelujah!
Our faith becomes stronger and stronger with every trial we face, as we realize that we have gone far beyond what we thought was our endurance limit for something that difficult. When all goes well, it is easy to have great faith and the right attitude. Only when we go through trials, do we find out what is really in our hearts and what needs to be changed, so that we can become more and more like Jesus. We live on this earth to prepare for eternity, whereupon the condition of our hearts and our true motivation is what matters!
Suggested prayer: Praises, glory and honor to You dear Lord, for all that You are and do for me daily! You never leave me alone and I can count on Your help in everything. Only with Your help can I get over the situation I am going through and remain strong in faith all the way. Thank You that whatever the devil tries to do to my destruction, You change for my good in the long-term. Your will is for me to become more and more like You, therefore, please help me to continue to grow in knowing You and in what You want me to become, doing everything as unto You. In the Name of Jesus, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
The message of these verses is very clear. It is up to us to crucify our flesh daily, to kill our sinful nature and stop committing every sin, whether it is listed in the verses above or not. How does something that is alive, die? It only dies if it is not fed. And how do we do that? If fornication is the problem, we need to avoid anything that could stir up our lust, including sensual commercials from television or any media; if it is about any other passion, we must avoid what reminds us of that, including going to the places connected to that sin or avoiding the people whom we sinned with in the past; if anger is the problem, the solution is to stop, take a deep breath, maybe even step back from the person or the problem that caused our anger; then open our hearts to the Lord, telling Him what bothers us and pray for His help to calm down and to show us how to defuse the tense situation and what to do; then, once we calm down, we will see things more clearly and can avoid much harm and arguing; to be able to overcome gluttony, we will avoid having the foods that we are weak about, handy, or go to the places where it they are easily accessible. Someone told me that if they had a cake tray they could not stop eating until they finished it and the solution was to stop baking desserts for a long time and to not go to any bakeries until they learned that they are the boss, not the sweets. We have to control what we eat and do, not vice versa.
Through the Holy Spirit, after we have been "born-again," we have the fruit of "self-control" inside us. The devil uses our old lifestyle and habits to make us believe that we cannot change, but it is a deception, because in fact "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us." (Philippians 4:13).
Suggested prayer: Thank You Jesus that You made it possible for me to be born-again and because of You, I am no longer led by the soul, by the lust of the flesh, but I can live led by Your Holy Spirit! Through Him, I have the power to control and master any sinful temptation, including (name the sin you fight against), which used to keep me bound and was destroying me. Lord please help me to never forget that through You I have died to sin and sin (name specifically the sin you are fighting with) no longer has control over me, so that I will not fall into the trap of the evil one. In the Name of Jesus, amen.
- Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. - Colossians 3:5-6
The message of these verses is very clear. It is up to us to crucify our flesh daily, to kill our sinful nature and stop committing every sin, whether it is listed in the verses above or not. How does something that is alive, die? It only dies if it is not fed. And how do we do that? If fornication is the problem, we need to avoid anything that could stir up our lust, including sensual commercials from television or any media; if it is about any other passion, we must avoid what reminds us of that, including going to the places connected to that sin or avoiding the people whom we sinned with in the past; if anger is the problem, the solution is to stop, take a deep breath, maybe even step back from the person or the problem that caused our anger; then open our hearts to the Lord, telling Him what bothers us and pray for His help to calm down and to show us how to defuse the tense situation and what to do; then, once we calm down, we will see things more clearly and can avoid much harm and arguing; to be able to overcome gluttony, we will avoid having the foods that we are weak about, handy, or go to the places where it they are easily accessible. Someone told me that if they had a cake tray they could not stop eating until they finished it and the solution was to stop baking desserts for a long time and to not go to any bakeries until they learned that they are the boss, not the sweets. We have to control what we eat and do, not vice versa.
Through the Holy Spirit, after we have been "born-again," we have the fruit of "self-control" inside us. The devil uses our old lifestyle and habits to make us believe that we cannot change, but it is a deception, because in fact "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us." (Philippians 4:13).
Suggested prayer: Thank You Jesus that You made it possible for me to be born-again and because of You, I am no longer led by the soul, by the lust of the flesh, but I can live led by Your Holy Spirit! Through Him, I have the power to control and master any sinful temptation, including (name the sin you fight against), which used to keep me bound and was destroying me. Lord please help me to never forget that through You I have died to sin and sin (name specifically the sin you are fighting with) no longer has control over me, so that I will not fall into the trap of the evil one. In the Name of Jesus, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree - Romans 11:16-17
How do we know that the promises that God made to His chosen people, Israel, are valid for us, the Gentiles, too? Because in Jesus Christ, we become the children of promise, as Isaac was to Abraham. The apostle Paul explains in detail in Romans, chapter 4, that God considered Abraham's faith as his righteousness, before being circumcised. In Abraham, we the Gentiles, inherit all the promises made by God to His children. God had called Abraham "the father of many nations.” In verse 11 we read, "Then he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all who believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness be imputed to them also”
Those of us who were not born from Hebrew parents, are the branches grown from Isaac (Abraham's promised son), who by being "grafted" into Jesus Christ, become partakers of the "root and fatness" of the olive tree; if the root is holy and blessed, so are the branches. The "root" consists of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Israel. God formed the Hebrews as a people, and are called "olive trees," we instead, come from nations that have been "wild olive trees." The Jews who did not keep the covenant with God, are cut branches. The warning written by Paul is very clear: we remain in the goodness of God, as long as we live in obedience to Him.
Suggested prayer: Great and wonderful are Your plans, Lord God! Thank You for loving us, the Gentiles, as much as you love Your chosen people. I thank you that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ you have adopted us into your family and you made us all equal! Please help me love You and live in obedience to You and to Your Word, so that the promises written in Your Word to become real in my life! Thank You Lord Jesus, for making possible my salvation and my adoption into God’s family. Glory to Your holy Name forever and ever, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” - John 10:9-11
Jesus is the only way to gain access to salvation. Only through Him can we enter into the kingdom of God and be sure that we reach the realm of abundance and truly beneficial spiritual food. Satan is the thief who does not want anyone's good. His purpose is to destroy man and especially Christians. Why? He knows that God loves people, and by hurting us, He also hurts God.
But Jesus came to give us life and not just any life, but life in abundance. Jesus wants to protect us, help us and take care of us so that we may live pure lives, having His peace which cannot be obtained by any other means. In order for us to have the perfect, abundant and eternal life, Jesus gave His life. He is truly the Good Shepherd! Glory to Him!
Suggested prayer: Thank You dear Lord Jesus because You are truly my Good Shepherd. You have paid with your life for all my sins so that I will not die but have the full, perfect life with joy and fulfillment in You. Thank You, Lord for all You have done, and You continue to do for me, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater. I and My Father are one.” - John 10:27-30
What great love and security we have in Jesus! Nothing and no one can pull us out of the hands of Jesus or the Father's, if Jesus is the Lord of our lives and we live with the sincere desire to please Him! I know for a fact that I do not want to be anywhere else, not even for a second!
In the hand of the Lord, we are in the safest place possible! Protection, safety, comfort, and love cannot be found anywhere else more than in the Lord's hand. What a wonderful thing to be able to hear the voice of the Lord and be able to follow Him. When we walk in the footprints of Jesus, we know where we are going, we know that He has already made it to heaven at the right hand of the Father, and we will also make it there, if we continue to follow Him! What more could we ask for?
Jesus tells us on several occasions in His Word that He and the Father are one, and if we are in the hand of One of them, then we are in the other One’s hand too! Our triune God has all the power in the whole universe, there is no one and nothing greater or stronger. What an amazing truth this is and how encouraging it is to know that we belong to God and He protects, guards and loves us unconditionally!
Suggested prayer: Thank You Lord for making me Your child. Please help me to never forget that You love me, and You see Your Son in my heart when you look at me. You do not look at my shortcomings and mistakes, and Your desire for me is to grow more and more in the relationship with You and to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and teach me Your Truth so that I can live in Your Light through Jesus Christ, Your Son. Please help me open my heart more and more to You and surrender all that I am and have to You. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- “If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.” - John 10:37-38
At the beginning of my Christian life, I thought a lot about how much I would have enjoyed being contemporaneous with Jesus. I was thinking that if I could see Him with my physical eyes, hear Him with my physical ears, I would have the greatest faith. But the more I studied the Gospels, asking the Holy Spirit to help me understand what I read, I realized that it was not like that at all for those that lived in His time. Many of the ones that witnessed the miracles of Jesus, still did not believe that He was the Messiah, but rather instead chose to have hard hearts. Having faith in Jesus is a matter of choice, once the Holy Spirit touches our hearts.
Do you think it was easy to see a man, living as everyone else and believe that He could be the Son of God? Perhaps not having prophets or seeing miracles among them for several generations prior, made it easier for them to believe that Jesus was just a prophet rather than Christ, the Messiah that they had been waiting for. After all, we are more privileged than those who lived in Israel when Jesus actually walked on the earth, because we have the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us, as well as the New Testament in written form.
Suggested prayer: I praise You, my Lord for all your wonderful works! Thank You Lord for everything You've already done for me, and for what You are going to do. You are in the Father and the Father is in You and You have chosen to dwell in my heart by the Holy Spirit. What a privilege it is to be a temple of the Holy Spirit! Please help me become more and more what You created me to be and to live to please You. Thank You for all Your love, compassion, kindness and mercy that You pour over me everyday! Glory and honor to Your holy Name, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1
After the resurrection, the Lord appeared to His disciples, but Thomas was absent from their midst. After he had doubted that Jesus was resurrected, the Lord appeared to him and said, “… ‘Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed’” (John 20:29). From Hebrews 11:6 we learn that “… without faith it is impossible to please God!” and from 2 Corinthians 5:7 that “we walk by faith and not by sight.”
In other words, the key to a true relationship with God is the faith that is based on the revelation of the Holy Spirit and not on our physical senses that perceive physical reality. The spiritual world is more real than we may think. What we see with our physical eyes, we know exists and no longer need faith to be convinced of it, but we need faith and the activation of our spiritual senses to believe in what is in the spiritual world.
The relationship with Jesus starts with the firm belief that He is the Son of God who has loved us so much that He died in our place to save us. Even though by His death Jesus forgave the sins of all mankind, only those who believe in Jesus and in His sacrifice will benefit of its effects. One can die of thirst in front of a functional water faucet if they do not believe water will flow when turned on. Even then, it takes action, not only faith to drink the water. In the same way, one who does not believe in Jesus and in the truth of the Scripture and does not act accordingly to their faith, cannot be saved.
Suggested prayer: Thank You Jesus for dying in my place! I know that the wages of sin is death, but because You died in my place, I can live! Father God, please help me live to please You and be in right standing with You. Please forgive me for my sins and help me grow in faith. Thank You Lord with all my heart for all You have done for me, in the Name of Jesus, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. - 2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP)
So often we hear that Christians should bow their heads, act cowardly and lack courage. I could never truly embrace this opinion, but I could not say that we should be the opposite, either. When I studied this verse more closely in correlation with what the Bible says in other verses and I read the meaning of the original terms, I understood that through the Holy Spirit we have in us the courage and power to fight the good fight of faith by opposing the powers of darkness in the Name of Jesus. The Bible tells us to have only one fear, and that is the fear of God; we should live with a healthy fear of not sinning against God.
Also, through the Holy Spirit we have the power to keep our calm when our flesh would normally be angry and sin. When we feel that we are beginning to lose our temper, if we ask the Lord to help us calm down and not react accordingly to our carnal nature, we can avoid sinning. Then with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can restore our calm and defuse tension. Through the Holy Spirit we have received a balanced and sound mind, we can think correctly and make good decisions for us and those around us. While we are limited, the Spirit of the Lord knows everything, no matter how intelligent we might be.
The self-discipline that we have received through the Holy Spirit is indispensable to the life of faith. By this fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:23), we can defeat the lusts and passions of the flesh, no matter how susceptible we were to them before we came to Jesus. Many Christians do not know that they can overcome old addictions once they understand that they are a new creation through Jesus, and that sin no longer masters them.
Suggested prayer: Thank You Lord for the strength to resist the enemy, uphold the truth of Scripture and declare my faith in You, even if I must suffer. Help me love those who mock me, stay calm when I would normally get mad and discipline myself so that sin will not rule over me again. In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? - Romans 6:14-16
It is not easy to understand how wonderful the grace of God really is. It seems easier to believe the false idea that our works can save us. If people could be saved by their own deeds, Jesus Christ would not have to die. It is true that “faith without works is dead,” but the works should be the result of the inner change, produced by the new birth through the Holy Spirit. The inner change comes through in our behavior and actions. Because the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we no longer desire to live a life of sin according to the carnal nature, but we want to do what is pleasing to the Lord, being led by the Holy Spirit.
We belong to and are enslaved by whoever or whatever we choose to obey. If we choose to obey sin and persist in it, we cannot belong to Christ. If we want to truly belong to the Lord, we seek to do what He likes. Jesus often said while He lived on the earth, that He came to do the will of the Heavenly Father, and that He did nothing else but what He had seen His Father do. We are called to walk in the footprints of Jesus and live a life worthy of being called the children of God.
Suggested prayer: Thank You Lord God for Your grace! Thank you for setting me free from the bondage of sin and bringing me into the kingdom of Your Son of Your love. Please help me to remember every time a sin tempts me that it has no power over me, but through Jesus I have the power to resist it and not sin. The joy of being right with You and of feeling your presence exceeds any short-lived, so-called “pleasure” that any sin can offer. Please help me to never forget how serious the consequences of sin are, and that every committed sin gives the devil the right to hurt me. Thank You Lord for the power to choose right and to do Your will. Glory and honor to Your Name, forever, amen!
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.
- And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9
Once we understand how wonderful the grace of the Lord is, how much we have received through grace, in our life here on earth, and especially in heaven for eternity, we can face the trials, persecution and suffering of this life in a better way. Even if we had to suffer for years while living in these bodies, it would not even be considered a moment, compared to eternity. It is worth the fight and the cost to remain on the path of faith, because eternity is determined by what we do while living in this world. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 11:23-33, about the hardships and suffering he went through, because of confessing his faith in Jesus, and yet, even while being imprisoned, he wrote to the Philippians and to us implicitly, to rejoice in the Lord.
For a clearer understanding, let's see how “Thayer's Greek Lexicon” translates the Greek word “charis,” which is translated as “grace” to us: “that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech; it can also mean: good will, loving-kindness, favor; of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues."
Suggested prayer: How can I ever thank You Lord for the grace You gave me through Jesus Christ? In Your mercy You touched my heart and have made me Your child. Thank You for Your protection, help, comfort and revelation of Your Word given to me through the Holy Spirit, all because of Your unlimited grace! I do not deserve anything good in myself, and yet I have such great value in Your eyes that You have given Your Son to die for me. Please help me understand more and more how much You have done for me so that I will never doubt that You love me unconditionally. I love You so very much, my Lord, amen.
Copyright 2019 Carmen Pușcaș. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.