The "heart" is where the Lord says the seed of the Word of God enters and grows. Would you say your heart is more of a garden of Eden or a garden of Weeden? This article is a thought provoking message to encourage self examination using some of the parable of the seed and sower and its dynamics.
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" is something a Christian hears a lot.
At a later time, upon His disciples being accused of eating with unclean hands, Jesus said that it is not what goes in a man that defiles him, but what comes out.
The disciples asked him about it later and here is the reply:
Solomon realized the extreme value and importance of the heart and its keeping.
Let's take a little time and think about how its been going...
Or another way to phrase it might be, "how is the garden of your heart?" Would you say it is more like "the Garden of Eden" or more like "the Garden of Weeden?"
It might sound like an unusual question, but seriously, how is the garden of your heart? The Lord says the Word of God is the seed (Mark 4:14, Luke 8:11) and the heart is the ground (Mark 4:15). Of course, we usually think of this in “the receiving the Gospel!” But it also applies to how we “receive and apply more” from the Lord.
Let's look at and meditate upon the parable of the Sower and the four seeds and types of ground they fell upon.
We know that people cannot be saved if "the ground of their heart" is not "fertile for growth." If the heart is stony, the seed cannot even take root. If the heart is shallow, the seed cannot go much further; for when heat of the day comes, the seedling fails because of the heat and the lack of depth.
In the next scenario, the seed grows into a "nice little seedling," but the weeds (the lures and stresses of the carnal world) choke it out. Finally, there is the seed that grows in the fertile heart. The weeds and heat of this world; cannot choke it out. This seedling grows and even reproduces. It grows through "the living water" from heaven and "the nutrients of His Word" received and through "keeping good soil."
This seedling becomes a beautiful living being and bears the fruit of the kind of plant it came from. Not just any living plant, but the planting of the Lord. A living growth of the extension of Him! Bearing the fruit of life. The fruit of heaven. Because it is now “of” the kingdom of heaven. Instead of being weak, pitiful and choking from the weeds of life. It becomes a happy, strong plant that you can easily tell what kind of planting it is. It bears the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Of life, goodness, peace, joy, self control, thankfulness, graciousness, etc.
The Lord is the Ultimate Gardner.
The Lord is not a lazy Gardner. He works His Garden. He works what He plants. He hoes the soil to keep the weeds out, He waters it with living water, He fertilizes it with nutrition of His Word.
Sometimes, wonderful concepts or lessons come from the Lord while gardening.
One of which is: young plants thrive in loose soil!
Great loose soil allows a plant to spread its roots and form a great base for whatever the plant will become. Loose soil is also great, in that weeds come out of it easy; especially when they are still little. If they are left for too long, it is another story!
Hard, dry ground sure makes it hard for a seed or new seedling to spread its roots.
The soil of our hearts needs to be flexible and soft by being well-watered with living water through sincere worship and thankfulness along with prayer, meditating and growing in the Word of God for strength.
We all know that weeds never need an invitation or planting, they can pop up at anytime.
They are a natural occurrence in a natural stetting. Like sin, it is so very natural. Both weeds and sin, come by just being alive. Even when born again, the flesh must be crucified daily. The ground of the heart, needs to stay soft and pliable so that the weeds come out easy and the plant grows and keeps a strong base.
What happens when a weed continues its growth in the ground?
The good ground around it gets sucked up into feeding it. Good soil that could have went to good production, is lost to the weed. Its roots become very entwined and compacted in the ground. The longer it is there, the harder it is to get the weed out! While a seed or seedling takes work, the weed requires little or no effort to survive. Also when a weed stays too long, its roots steal the space of the good plant along with the water and nutrients. Eventually most weeds will overtake the good plants if they are left to accomplish their destruction.
Here is something many people do not realize.
When we see a tree or vegetable, where did it come from?
From a seed or root stock? Yes... But it comes from "the dirt." The good dirt in the garden or earth, is literally "taken in" by the seed and the plant. "The dirt" with whatever nutrition it has, literally dissipates into the growth that comes. We and all living matter are made from earth!
We take vitamins, minerals and the nutritious things of earth and we literally, physically live from it.
The things we eat, come from dirt. Hopefully, healthy dirt. Food produced from poor farming techniques and unhealthy soil, grow pathetic looking and tasting things to eat.
Many modern fertilizers artificially boost growth and create produce that looks tasty and beautiful. But at the same time, has poor nutrition. It is like eating fast food. It might look great, it might even taste great, but it will not feed the body and for sure does not build a strong person. The immune system and strength of the body will not be at its best. It can cause disease and weakness.
Healthy food comes from healthy production! Real rich soil from "organic matter," (vitamins and nutrients) create food with rich vitamins and nutrients. "Quickie fertilizer" only brings "the appearance of strength and nutrition."
In other words, short cuts in health only fool a person in the mind, for the body knows the difference. It will effect its strength and immune system, the clarity of mind and many other aspects. And the fruit of life that comes from such, will be the same.
So how are we doing?
Is the ground of our hearts, loose and fluffy so our roots are spreading and making us strong? For what we see above ground, is the result of what is below the ground. How are we on weeds? Are we allowing the Lord to keep them pulled out on a regular basis? We don't have any "bonsai weeds" in production do we? Meaning the kind "where we keep pulling the top off," but root that is under the ground, just keeps getting more and more set-in. If we never get the root out all the way, then ultimately we just are pruning it!
Are we absorbing the richness of God's Word directly? Or are we trying to exist on "quickie messages" from others? Surely we are absorbing more than spiritual pep talks and mentoring? If we are not reading and meditating on His Word from the Bible and the Holy Spirit inside us, then we are not reaching our fullness. How strong will we ever be, without the strength that comes from the real Word of God in us, received and applied?
Are we getting the dew of heaven and the rain of the Spirit, being a well-watered part of God's garden? A dry plant is not strong. For example, I have black-eyed pea plants that I am trying to grow along a fence. And I am training the ends of the plants to wrap their tentacles around the fence as they spread upward and outward. I have to do it when they are well hydrated, because if I do it when they are dry, they won't bend and they snap and break! A well watered plant is flexible!
A dry plant also cannot be picked for harvest. It wilts quickly and is pitiful. But if I harvest while the plant is hydrated, the fruit will do great. And of course, the hydrated plant can also take the heat. On a hot, sunny and cloudless day a dehydrated plant will wilt. And the blooms and/or fruit it has, will not be worth picking. And any new growth will be stunted!
If it stays dehydrated for too long, it will eventually wither and die in the heat. Prayer and praise, hydrate and strengthen us, to face the trials of the day. Hydration helps us to bear good, nutritious and healthy fruit that blesses us and others; that honors and empowers God instead of poor fruit that helps no one and empowers the enemy.
So how is the hydration going? Are you "soaking in the dew" of heaven? Are you praising the Lord and drinking in the rain of the Spirit?
Are we being flexible to the Gardner? Letting Him "turn the soil of our minds and hearts" helping us keep the weeds out? Are our eyes, ears and hearts, spitting out the negativity and corruption of the world that is going on around us? Are we turning away from the things that would displease the Lord?
Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to help us spread strong roots and be grounded in the Word and ways of the Lord? Are we "keeping our hearts open to the living water" that only comes from heaven, by spending quality time listening and communing with the Lord in times of praise, prayer and meditation?
In closing. Hearts that choose goodness and to honor God, make for great fruit of the Spirit. Anything less than that is exactly that: less. Hearts "grounded in His Word" and "living the life that God plants and keeps" is success! Whether we are rich or not so rich, smart or not so smart, young or old, true success is belonging to the Lord and being what He wants us to be! By following "in the footsteps of Jesus," we can live a productive life that can honor and glorify the Father and that helps and strengthens others! A life that the devil does not rob and steal from. A life that has treasures stored up in heaven from good choices and blessings in the here and now!
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" is something a Christian hears a lot.
- Matthew 12:34-35 "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.
At a later time, upon His disciples being accused of eating with unclean hands, Jesus said that it is not what goes in a man that defiles him, but what comes out.
The disciples asked him about it later and here is the reply:
- Matthew 15:16-20 So Jesus said, "Are you also still without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man."
Solomon realized the extreme value and importance of the heart and its keeping.
- Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.
- Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
Let's take a little time and think about how its been going...
Or another way to phrase it might be, "how is the garden of your heart?" Would you say it is more like "the Garden of Eden" or more like "the Garden of Weeden?"
It might sound like an unusual question, but seriously, how is the garden of your heart? The Lord says the Word of God is the seed (Mark 4:14, Luke 8:11) and the heart is the ground (Mark 4:15). Of course, we usually think of this in “the receiving the Gospel!” But it also applies to how we “receive and apply more” from the Lord.
Let's look at and meditate upon the parable of the Sower and the four seeds and types of ground they fell upon.
We know that people cannot be saved if "the ground of their heart" is not "fertile for growth." If the heart is stony, the seed cannot even take root. If the heart is shallow, the seed cannot go much further; for when heat of the day comes, the seedling fails because of the heat and the lack of depth.
In the next scenario, the seed grows into a "nice little seedling," but the weeds (the lures and stresses of the carnal world) choke it out. Finally, there is the seed that grows in the fertile heart. The weeds and heat of this world; cannot choke it out. This seedling grows and even reproduces. It grows through "the living water" from heaven and "the nutrients of His Word" received and through "keeping good soil."
This seedling becomes a beautiful living being and bears the fruit of the kind of plant it came from. Not just any living plant, but the planting of the Lord. A living growth of the extension of Him! Bearing the fruit of life. The fruit of heaven. Because it is now “of” the kingdom of heaven. Instead of being weak, pitiful and choking from the weeds of life. It becomes a happy, strong plant that you can easily tell what kind of planting it is. It bears the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Of life, goodness, peace, joy, self control, thankfulness, graciousness, etc.
The Lord is the Ultimate Gardner.
The Lord is not a lazy Gardner. He works His Garden. He works what He plants. He hoes the soil to keep the weeds out, He waters it with living water, He fertilizes it with nutrition of His Word.
Sometimes, wonderful concepts or lessons come from the Lord while gardening.
One of which is: young plants thrive in loose soil!
Great loose soil allows a plant to spread its roots and form a great base for whatever the plant will become. Loose soil is also great, in that weeds come out of it easy; especially when they are still little. If they are left for too long, it is another story!
Hard, dry ground sure makes it hard for a seed or new seedling to spread its roots.
The soil of our hearts needs to be flexible and soft by being well-watered with living water through sincere worship and thankfulness along with prayer, meditating and growing in the Word of God for strength.
We all know that weeds never need an invitation or planting, they can pop up at anytime.
They are a natural occurrence in a natural stetting. Like sin, it is so very natural. Both weeds and sin, come by just being alive. Even when born again, the flesh must be crucified daily. The ground of the heart, needs to stay soft and pliable so that the weeds come out easy and the plant grows and keeps a strong base.
What happens when a weed continues its growth in the ground?
The good ground around it gets sucked up into feeding it. Good soil that could have went to good production, is lost to the weed. Its roots become very entwined and compacted in the ground. The longer it is there, the harder it is to get the weed out! While a seed or seedling takes work, the weed requires little or no effort to survive. Also when a weed stays too long, its roots steal the space of the good plant along with the water and nutrients. Eventually most weeds will overtake the good plants if they are left to accomplish their destruction.
Here is something many people do not realize.
When we see a tree or vegetable, where did it come from?
From a seed or root stock? Yes... But it comes from "the dirt." The good dirt in the garden or earth, is literally "taken in" by the seed and the plant. "The dirt" with whatever nutrition it has, literally dissipates into the growth that comes. We and all living matter are made from earth!
We take vitamins, minerals and the nutritious things of earth and we literally, physically live from it.
The things we eat, come from dirt. Hopefully, healthy dirt. Food produced from poor farming techniques and unhealthy soil, grow pathetic looking and tasting things to eat.
Many modern fertilizers artificially boost growth and create produce that looks tasty and beautiful. But at the same time, has poor nutrition. It is like eating fast food. It might look great, it might even taste great, but it will not feed the body and for sure does not build a strong person. The immune system and strength of the body will not be at its best. It can cause disease and weakness.
Healthy food comes from healthy production! Real rich soil from "organic matter," (vitamins and nutrients) create food with rich vitamins and nutrients. "Quickie fertilizer" only brings "the appearance of strength and nutrition."
In other words, short cuts in health only fool a person in the mind, for the body knows the difference. It will effect its strength and immune system, the clarity of mind and many other aspects. And the fruit of life that comes from such, will be the same.
So how are we doing?
Is the ground of our hearts, loose and fluffy so our roots are spreading and making us strong? For what we see above ground, is the result of what is below the ground. How are we on weeds? Are we allowing the Lord to keep them pulled out on a regular basis? We don't have any "bonsai weeds" in production do we? Meaning the kind "where we keep pulling the top off," but root that is under the ground, just keeps getting more and more set-in. If we never get the root out all the way, then ultimately we just are pruning it!
Are we absorbing the richness of God's Word directly? Or are we trying to exist on "quickie messages" from others? Surely we are absorbing more than spiritual pep talks and mentoring? If we are not reading and meditating on His Word from the Bible and the Holy Spirit inside us, then we are not reaching our fullness. How strong will we ever be, without the strength that comes from the real Word of God in us, received and applied?
Are we getting the dew of heaven and the rain of the Spirit, being a well-watered part of God's garden? A dry plant is not strong. For example, I have black-eyed pea plants that I am trying to grow along a fence. And I am training the ends of the plants to wrap their tentacles around the fence as they spread upward and outward. I have to do it when they are well hydrated, because if I do it when they are dry, they won't bend and they snap and break! A well watered plant is flexible!
A dry plant also cannot be picked for harvest. It wilts quickly and is pitiful. But if I harvest while the plant is hydrated, the fruit will do great. And of course, the hydrated plant can also take the heat. On a hot, sunny and cloudless day a dehydrated plant will wilt. And the blooms and/or fruit it has, will not be worth picking. And any new growth will be stunted!
If it stays dehydrated for too long, it will eventually wither and die in the heat. Prayer and praise, hydrate and strengthen us, to face the trials of the day. Hydration helps us to bear good, nutritious and healthy fruit that blesses us and others; that honors and empowers God instead of poor fruit that helps no one and empowers the enemy.
So how is the hydration going? Are you "soaking in the dew" of heaven? Are you praising the Lord and drinking in the rain of the Spirit?
Are we being flexible to the Gardner? Letting Him "turn the soil of our minds and hearts" helping us keep the weeds out? Are our eyes, ears and hearts, spitting out the negativity and corruption of the world that is going on around us? Are we turning away from the things that would displease the Lord?
Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to help us spread strong roots and be grounded in the Word and ways of the Lord? Are we "keeping our hearts open to the living water" that only comes from heaven, by spending quality time listening and communing with the Lord in times of praise, prayer and meditation?
In closing. Hearts that choose goodness and to honor God, make for great fruit of the Spirit. Anything less than that is exactly that: less. Hearts "grounded in His Word" and "living the life that God plants and keeps" is success! Whether we are rich or not so rich, smart or not so smart, young or old, true success is belonging to the Lord and being what He wants us to be! By following "in the footsteps of Jesus," we can live a productive life that can honor and glorify the Father and that helps and strengthens others! A life that the devil does not rob and steal from. A life that has treasures stored up in heaven from good choices and blessings in the here and now!
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Copyright © 2014 E. Cockrell. May be used for personal study or instruction but shall not be copied and/or distributed in whole or part without permission or for financial profit.